Episode 1 - Redesigning my Life

This first episode means a lot to me because it's with one of my closest friends. It took courage for Lara to share such a personal story of pain and triumph. I am grateful to her for trusting me to share her story.

Lara is a mom, HR Consultant, and a self-described "control-freak.” She candidly shares an inspiring story of intent, where she had to draw inner strength to persevere through her divorce. She speaks to how hard it was to let go of perfection and ask for help. Balancing self-care while doing the best for your children is not easy, especially when the “life you built” no longer exists. This heartfelt story is shared by Lara, who feels that by hearing it, perhaps others going through similar circumstances, can have "a candle of hope lit in them.”

This is Lara and her Story of Intent.

Listen to the episode now!

  • Transcript to follow


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Jodi would love to hear from you!


Episode 2 - Values-driven


Podcast Introduction - Intentification™