Episode 4 - Grief and Acceptance

Ramita is one of my closest friends and honestly one of the most kindest human beings I have ever met. She has led a life of perseverance starting with losing her mom at the age of 13 and having a beautiful son with learning difficulties. Her story of intent is a powerful one as she candidly shares how her earlier life experiences and Indian culture influenced the perception of who she was and the type of life she was supposed to lead. After an unexpected incident where she realized she needed professional support, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery leading her to confidently be vulnerable and resulting in a newfound “destination” to a life filled with joy. She found herself connected to the cycle of grief and acceptance.

This is Ramita and her Story of Intent.

Listen to the episode now!

  • Transcription to follow.


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Episode 5 - Finding Your Happy


Episode 3 - Finding Purpose